Here at MMCC we have a no-whitelist
policy. That is, any player can join
the server; no application, no hassle.
Whitelists are ineffective at preventing
bad guys from getting in, and all they
do is add hassle to legitimate players.
Instead, we implement a system
where players gain the Member rank
after spending some time on the
server and building basic machines.
The entire MMCC network runs on a
single very powerful dedicated server
located in Falkenstein, Germany. This
server has an i9-9900k processor, 64
GBs of RAM, a guaranteed internet connection
of 1000mbps (both up and down), and two 1TB
enterprise-grade SSDs in RAID 1. At MMCC,
lag won't be an issue.
We want MMCC to be a healthy, but
also free community. As such, we
implement rules when neccessary.
Our rules establish a grief-free and
respectful environment. You may
wish to read the full rules on our wiki.
Far too many communities from far too many
parts of the Internet have been ruined by
corrupt moderation teams, out for power and
not the improvement of their community. Here
at MMCC, we pride ourselves in not falling
victim to this community destroying issue
with owners who will respond to corrupt moderators
swiftly and effectively and a set of enforced,
public, guidelines for moderator behaviour.